It isn’t daily that you get to start a new blog. The date has to be important. Hmm.. why not on the new year’s day itself.
“Happy New Year” seems as clichéd as all the hullabaloo about the day and the midnight screams and crackers, but then there should be celebrations for the young ones to take forward. Something for them to show their young.. and so on!
All the prosperity and peace and happiness that your dear ones wish you on this day does not – could not – really exist. Has anyone ever seen a year without a dip? Even the mercury dips several times a year. And this year, as economists predict, does have more than mercury dips in store. So my wishes to all would be for a calm mind, strength & courage to face the dips when they come, and the health to enjoy the ups, and friends that see you through the thick and thin.
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