Scene: A nursery school auditorium.Event: The much-awaited annual day.Seated: Eager, twinkle-eyed relatives of the stars on stage.Back-stage: Whimpering, smiling, jumping, [...]
Scene: A nursery school auditorium.Event: The much-awaited annual day.Seated: Eager, twinkle-eyed relatives of the stars on stage.Back-stage: Whimpering, smiling, jumping, [...]
Patience: When you watch the five-year-old fold clothes, slowly, carefully, tongue protruding, taking about ten-and-a-half minutes for every little handkerchief.Satisfaction: [...]
... in which Malayalis don't speak like Malayalis.In the recent past, I have come across a few youth-ish films in [...]
Dreams, they tell me, are thoughts that the brain purges, in its daily wash-rinse cycle to remove chemical waste. In [...]
A story should have a beginning and end, no doubt. Everyone knows that.It is what happens between them that's important. [...]
The Most Horrid thing of the Week... ... is the Headache.It makes us deaf. It makes us blind.It makes us [...]
Pride is good. One should be proud of achievements, skills, talents.Arrogance is good. It's definitely better than pretensions of modesty.Selfishness [...]
Ever wondered (or found the answer to) what the average life of a forwarded mail is?I used to get forwards [...]
Once upon a time, when I was juggling Motherhood and a full-time career, there was a Boss of mine who [...]
"It's pretty hot now, isn't it?""Yes, it's been warm since yesterday.""I was bathed in sweat when I woke up, it [...]