Shifting Priorities
Thus ends my second year of blogging. When I flip through the posts like I used to once upon a [...]
Thus ends my second year of blogging. When I flip through the posts like I used to once upon a [...]
December has this habit of advancing steadily and stealthily, catching me unawares, every year. Oh yes, I do not pretend [...]
There is something about Facebook that does not seem right. Maybe something that the creators did not intend, nor imagine [...]
One day in office, during lunch which all eleven of us were having together, my Malayali colleague and I started [...]
... if you're the youngest among your buddies, the bigger ones bully you... if you have a toy/cycle/scooter that no [...]
Remember the perfect, amazing, super software you recently obtained which you believe to be God's reply to all your prayers? [...]
I confess I dreaded it. To say I was terrified would not be too far off the mark. Twenty-five screaming [...]
... to find your living room in chaos when you wake up in the morning, because it means your five-year-old [...]
One of the advantages of staying away from hometown is that you're less likely to run into people who have [...]
I thought I will not be posting anything for Carmi's Thematic Photographic Challenge this week. After all, there weren't any [...]