It came to me on its way to publication, a scanned copy of a handwritten poem. Just a matter of [...]
It came to me on its way to publication, a scanned copy of a handwritten poem. Just a matter of [...]
Is it that we are blind to our actions-Or just refuse to see them in the right light?Any explanation would [...]
They may say there are no accidentsBut there was something in the way we met.It just happened, all seemed normal;But [...]
Don't call me, sunshine,I have chores to do;We're near, though apart,And my heart is with you.Don't tempt me, bright day,I [...]
You walk out the door, knowing fully wellShe'll be home when you're back.You waste no time on Thank Yous, Sorrys,But [...]
Thank God for dull, boring days-the age-old shows, the meaningless filmsthe familiar sunset and sunrisethe white, blue and black skiesthe [...]
I think I'm getting closer, you know, closer to Destiny than ever before;No, before you jump up to congratulate, let [...]
Low-lying clouds, threatening to close in;Ominous, and smothering life out of life;No one should be condemned, ever,Even one's enemies, to [...]
The merry-go-round lures us to ride,Enchanted, intrigued, we climb astride.Where we've come from, what we've seen,Brace us for what tomorrow [...]
I hate to say this, my friend;I hate to break your bubble:But I see your dangerous hope,I sense your deadly [...]