“It’s pretty hot now, isn’t it?”
“Yes, it’s been warm since yesterday.”

“I was bathed in sweat when I woke up, it reminded me of Kerala!”
“But it was too foggy in the morning.”

“I saw, when I stepped out to cool myself.”
“I stayed inside till it became warm enough outside.”

“I suppose the temperature will dip again before Summer officially arrives.”
“Oh no! Really?”

“Well, it is only mid-February, mercury should not soar this early.”
“I hope the warmth stays.”

“This Summer is going to be very hot again, like last year.”
“Should make up for the almost freezing Winter. My nose and senses had closed three months ago, it is time they opened their doors.”

“I hope some semblance will return to the Bangalore weather, I hope Summer does not arrive till April.”
“I so hope it comes fast.”