Month-1 of First Grade.
“Amme, today a boy in my class asked the teacher, ‘Ma’am! When do we have computer class?’ (giggle) I said to him, (giggle, giggle) ‘Ayyooo… computer is not for little kids, it is for big people, like our parents!!’ (giggle, giggle)”

Month-2 of First Grade.
“Amme, C’s Mother’s computer has games in it.”

Month-3 of First Grade.
“Amme, we played with computers in school today. I did some colouring using the same kind of mouse that you have.”

Month-4 of First Grade.
“Amme, C’s Mother’s computer has the same colouring game that we have at school!”

Month-5 of First Grade.
“Amme, does your computer have the Paint game?”

Month-6 of First Grade.
“Amme, come, I will show you how to start Paint in your computer.”

Month-7 of First Grade.
“Amme, you’ve been sitting at the computer for a long time. Now it’s my turn. Let me play with Paint.”