You had been floating downstream. You thought it was the wind that carried your sail. If, indeed, you thought at all.
That you are picking up pace was not cause for alarm. Not yet.
You hear a low rumble. Yes, you are seeing new things and hearing new sounds now.
The rumble seems quite far away. But you know it is important.
The tree trunks leaning across the river… were they always there?
Suddenly you’re afraid. What does the sound mean? You stop breathing and prick your ears. The roar is approaching. Are you heading to the top of a waterfall? You look back. Were all those tree trunks important? Were they the ones you should have clutched when there was still time, when they were within reach?
There are no more trees ahead. There is not even a straw to grab.
The current has become quite strong.
You did not seek the shore when you could. You did not reach out for the trunks when you could.
The roar ahead could be anything.
Even a beautiful meadow at the bottom of a waterfall
Glass half full is better than half empty?
Yes, it could be anything.
Life is a stream maybe.