Autos and seatbelts
Every time I visit Kerala, some one or the other reminds me to fasten my seatbelt in the car otherwise [...]
Every time I visit Kerala, some one or the other reminds me to fasten my seatbelt in the car otherwise [...]
The verdict is out.The man is guilty and he will be hanged.The day the news broke out, a lot of [...]
It was Special.It was Exciting.It was Painful.It was Pleasing.It was Longing.It was Yearning.It was Fighting.It was Making-Up.It was Anger.It was [...]
Agree or not, reading Newspapers is also an Art. A person I know can spend a whole day with the [...]
One more Earth Hour has come. And gone.The event gains more supporters every year. Those who stared at me when [...]
Uncertainties are a totally unbalanced lot.One would expect them to stand on their own, independently, wait in a queue and [...]
Inspiration comes...From Happiness.From Misery.From Anger.From Despair.From Love.From Longing.From Loneliness.From Being in a Crowd.From Disappointment.From Agony.From Ecstasy.From Emptiness.From Just About Anything.It [...]
It must have been about fifteen years ago. I was travelling in train and got talking to the girl sitting [...]
When I first discovered the joys of SMS about a decade ago, I fell in love with it, so much [...]
Have you ever felt...... what you yearned for is suddenly placed on a platter, at your doorstep?... that, you had [...]