A sight that troubles me no end
I saw the child again today.He was swinging to and fro on the gate of his apartment.In his school uniform, [...]
I saw the child again today.He was swinging to and fro on the gate of his apartment.In his school uniform, [...]
I visit a lot of book / movie review sites - sometimes intentionally and sometimes not so. In many of [...]
I don't think the Mumbai Terror Attack of Nov 26, 2008, is something that anyone can easily forget - not [...]
My friend sounded quite unhappy when I spoke to her yesterday. Her worry was her job. She likes the domain [...]
So you noticed? I wanted to change the blog template itself, but blogger gave me no good choices. The ones [...]
[Seasoned bloggers can either skip this post or provide your thoughts and comments!]Disclaimer: At the very outset, I am aware [...]
When I first registered at blogger.com in 2007, my intention was to post my short stories so that some of [...]
Remember my first take on Twitter? Though much has not changed, I have started getting the swing of the thing. [...]
DisappointmentYou tell me if the fault is mine. The other night I decide to order pizza from D-, the Pizza [...]