Time passes you by
A chapter is closedAnd long forgotten;A word, tossed outAgainst one unspoken.For the right time,For the right words,You wait to speak;Time [...]
A chapter is closedAnd long forgotten;A word, tossed outAgainst one unspoken.For the right time,For the right words,You wait to speak;Time [...]
The roads are now wider, the green is all gone;The full moon at dusk throws a cool, golden dawn.An old [...]
A little star was born,Opened eyes and yawned.Looked around and foundBlinking lights abound.What are those? Or whoAre blinking red and [...]
They said I could not do it.They said that I was weak.I gave up out of despair,Lost belief in my [...]
I'm here, I'm there,I'm everywhereIn search of thatI cannot findWhich, if I find,I cannot takeAnd, if I take,I will rejectOnce [...]
There she goes again,weeping, sobbing,screaming, howling,spraying her tears all around.Why is the sky so sad?Why does she cry so bad?Does [...]
Somewhere a dream has fallenAnd melted into dew...Somewhere a pair of gentle eyesHas picked it up for you.The morning mist [...]
Like two children Learning to walk,Fallen trees in the path, Thorns in the trail;Walking in the dark.Holding their hands Drawing [...]
Today I can dream...Tomorrow it may shatter,But today I shall dream.The questions have been posed,The response not yet given.A newer [...]
There's no dearth of ideasBut none to implement them.One has no clue of what he isTill the pressure's on to [...]